[OS X TeX] Help: Hieroglyphs and Font not Found
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon Oct 10 19:36:19 EDT 2005
Am 11.10.2005 um 01:00 schrieb Yann Ricard:
> I have not explicitely run udpmap, but I see that psfonts.map in
> sw/share/texmf/fonts/type1 has the information about the postscript
> fonts
> The first line reads
> HieroA HieroA <HieroA.pfa
> So, that should be OK, right?
Not necessarily! I do not use Fink's TeX, Fink uses teTeX 3 pretty well
and so dvips is using another MAP file:
Are you clever enough to modify /sw/bin/dvipdf?
Since this file owned by root you would need to either copy this script
to your own bin directory (mkdir ~/bin ; cp /sw/bin/dvipdf ~/bin) and
edit in Emacs, or you invoke in Terminal: 'sudo emacs -nw
/sw/bin/dvipdf' and edit the script in Emacs too. The addition needed
is simple and it's a change of the last line from:
exec dvips -q -f "$infile" | $GS_EXECUTABLE $OPTIONS -q -dNOPAUSE
-dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="$outfile" $OPTIONS -c
.setpdfwrite -
exec dvips -d 64 -q -f "$infile" | $GS_EXECUTABLE $OPTIONS -q -dNOPAUSE
-dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="$outfile" $OPTIONS -c
.setpdfwrite -
This extra debug with inform you about the files dvips open while
converting the DVI file to PS which gets converted to PDF with
Ghostscript. When you've saved /sw/bin/dvipdf the *do not* quit Emacs
but open a new Terminal and change working directory (cd) to the
directory with the DVI file. Then simply invoke 'dvipdf <the DVI
file>'. dvips then will output lines like these:
kdebug:fopen(/usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf, r) => 0xa000a8d0
kdebug:fclose(0xa000a8d0) => 0
kdebug:fopen(/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf, r) =>
Here you see two files it opens. Check in this set of files all file
names ending in .map or in .ps and compare these names with the MAP
file where you recorded the Hiero font files. If there is no match no
made the record in the wrong file.
When you've finished debugging you can undo in Emacs the change, save
the dvipdf, and quit Emacs.
You wrote in your first eMail about config.ps:
p +hierofonts.map
The p option to dvips means: this is the first page from the DVI file I
want to see converted to PS. In my man page u is telling dvips to use a
specific MAP file ... Could be here's the failure?
You too should check with kpsewhich whether dvips would find
"No man was ever taken to hell by a woman unless he already had a
ticket in his pocket, or at least had been fooling around with
timetables." -- Archie Goodwin
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