[OS X TeX] powerdot and pdftex

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Mon Sep 19 17:43:03 EDT 2005

Le 19 sept. 05 à 22:47, Friedrich Vosberg a écrit :

> Bug or feature? Powerdot won't be typesetted by pdftex/pdflatex but  
> only by TeX and GhostScript.

Neither: intended behaviour. Looking for example at section 8.2  
"Creating and viewing output" of the documentation powerdot.pdf,  
you'll see that powerdot documents are expected to be processed by  
LaTeX then dvips then ps2pdf; which is exactly what TeXShop's TeX +  
Ghostscript mode does.

This isn't unexpected: powerdot uses, for one thing, the pstricks  
package, which requires this mode; and it also uses a PS input file  
powerdot-default.ps, which is another indication dvips is necessary.

Bruno Voisin------------------------- Info --------------------------
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