[OS X TeX] Re: powerdot and pdftex

Luis Sequeira lsequeir at fc.ul.pt
Tue Sep 20 04:47:38 EDT 2005

>Bug or feature? Powerdot won't be typesetted by pdftex/pdflatex but
>only by TeX and GhostScript.
>Kind regards. Friedrich

Like it has been said already, powerdot requires pstricks, so TeX and 
GhostScript is the way to go.

By the way, I am very pleased with powerdot. Having used prosper for 
a long time, I was an instant convert. I think this is "a much better 
prosper" and it is worth a look for anyone doing presentations.

As to using pdflatex, in TeXShop you can have your powerdot documents 
(or any other document) typeset with TeX and GhostScript by putting 
the following line at the very top of the document:

%!TEX TS-program = latex

This way you can keep pdflatex as the selected TeX engine and use TeX 
and GhostScript on demand for those documents that require it.

Luis Sequeira

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