[OS X TeX] Displaying a LaTeX beamer presentation

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Dec 6 11:18:05 EST 2006

Am 06.12.2006 um 15:28 schrieb Herbert Schulz:

>> Use pdffonts from the xpdf suite instead – although limited to the  
>> command line ...
> Is there a pre-compiled version of the suite I can get and install?

At least in Fink a binary package is available, and in DarwinPorts  
it's also there, but I cannot see in which form(s). Fink packages  
need Fink to be installed first.



"No man was ever taken to hell by a woman unless he already had a  
ticket in his pocket, or at least had been fooling around with  
                                        -- Archie Goodwin

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