[OS X TeX] preferred tool for presentations

Adam Goldstein adam.goldstein at jhu.edu
Mon Dec 11 09:22:06 EST 2006

Friedrich Vosberg wrote:
> Morning.
> Which tool would you suggest for making presentations? I've never 
> before made a presentation, because most presentations are very boring 
> and so I gave my lectures without slides. But now I have to make a 
> presentation with slides, and there is no way to avoid it.
> I took a look at beamer. But it seems a mighty package, not for make 
> quickly and dirty a presentation in a few hours.
> What would you suggest? I heard about powerdot.
> Some pros and cons would be nice.
> TIA and kind regards, Friedrich

For showing the presentation, you are most likely going to have to use 
Adobe Reader or the newly released PDFView. These provide a full-screen 
presentation mode, rare among Mac PDF viewing apps.

I concur with others that Beamer can be picked up quickly, even though 
the advanced functions might take some playing with to master. The 
documentation is excellent, including a tutorial for making a first 
presentation. In the 20 minutes or so that it takes you to read the 
tutorial, you will have your outline for the presentation done.

-Adam G.
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