[OS X TeX] Assorted issues with i-installed setup, or, "huuh?...aHA!"

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Dec 13 09:41:53 EST 2006

Am 13.12.2006 um 14:43 schrieb Jonathon Swiderski:

> And why do things work from TeXShop and from Emacs/AUCTeX, but not  
> from Terminal.app?

Things can work in TeXShop because it has in its preferences  
particular paths to pdflatex et al. set. Emacs and Terminal at first  
approximation are dependent from the setting of PATH or path in the  
shell environment they run in. Carbon Emacs has a particular Elisp  
file that sets PATH for the usual TeX binaries. So I have to conclude  
that you set up Terminal in a faulty way it breaks the working setup ...

You can check things by invoking in Terminal 'which pdflatex' or 'env  
| grep TEX' or 'echo "Path is $PATH in my $SHELL"'. The output could  
help to find some reasons.

The documentation about texmf.macosx or texmf.os branches is a bit  
old. The latter seems to come from teTeX ...



Work is the curse of the drinking class.        — Oscar Wilde

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