[OS X TeX] [ANN] BibDesk-1.2.3

Adam R. Maxwell amaxwell at mac.com
Sun Feb 12 13:28:35 EST 2006

The BibDesk development team is pleased to announce that BibDesk  
1.2.3 is now available for download at http:// 
bibdesk.sourceforge.net/.  This version fixes some critical bugs  
(especially on Tiger), and users are encouraged to update  
immediately.  Many thanks to our nightly build testers and others who  
provided feedback and crash report info!

If you find a bug in BibDesk, please report it at <http:// 
sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=61487&atid=497423>.  Also, if you  
log in to the bug tracker or leave contact info, it's much easier to  
get follow up information if necessary.

*** Important ***
For this release only: if you update the input manager for  
autocompletion, quit and relaunch BibDesk afterwards, since conflicts  
can occur between BibDesk and an older version of the input manager.

Complete release notes follow:

New Features
   *  More flexible display of author names (in preview pane and  
Author column)

Bugs Fixed
   *  Sorting by Booktitle no longer causes a crash
   *  Eliminated all but the last "and" in the preview display of  
   *  BibTeX sniffing now works with any line breaks (this broke copy/ 
paste from Firefox)
   *  Fixed exception that raised when a Web of Science item had an  
undefined tag
   *  Web of Science AR is now mapped to Pages
   *  Workaround for search failure, bug #1420837, which can also be  
fixed by selecting an item from the search field menu
   *  Fixed an assertion failure in NSWindow that caused a crash on  
   *  Fixed off-center drawing of text in the group table counts
   *  Fixed bug #1421453, using return to select an item using the  
autocomplete input manager caused undo to misbehave
   *  Fixed bug #1422149, autocomplete of \ref using the input  
manager was broken
   *  Fixed crash that could occur when dropping a large PDF on  
BibDesk with ASCII encoding set in preferences
   *  Fixed bug #1422451; tildes are no longer allowed in the cite  
key field of Citation preferences, and a message explains why
   *  Fixed bug #1422767, Reference Miner and Medline import was broken
   *  Common file types are no longer sniffed for parseable content
   *  Drag-and-drop on the main table should now draw a drop  
highlight on the table instead of a particular row
   *  Fixed spacing bug in abbreviated names
   *  Fixed bug #1423677, file content search column title and  
sorting are inconsistent
   *  Fixed bug #1423776, unable to remove all authors from a  
   *  Fixed bug #1421033, JSTOR parser now defaults to @article  
instead of @misc
   *  Completion window no longer shows outside of a textfield when  
text is scrolled
   *  Fixed some text input and navigation issues with autocompletion
   *  Autosave no longer incorrectly marks a document as clear of  
changes, allowing you to close it without warning
   *  Fixed memory leaks on pasteboard/web import sheet, which could  
cause an eventual crash after visiting some web sites
   *  Correct text view is now checked for RSS description editing
   *  Fixed bug #1425451, changing the group field in one document  
shouldn't change it in others
   *  Fixed bug #14255478, creation date for RIS/Medline/JSTOR/Web of  
Science imports was not set correctly
   *  Items dragged to a new document will now have the creation date  
set correctly
   *  Fixed bug #1425721, warn at application launch if input manager  
is installed and requires update
   *  Fixed exception raised when attempting to drag non-existent  
files from document
   *  Improved error checking in BibTeX parser; inconsistencies are  
now flagged appropriately
   *  Worked around a bug due to Apple's autosave implementation that  
could cause abstract/annote loss after a crash
   *  Group selection is preserved after dropping a file on the  
selected group to create a new pub
   *  Fixed bug #1428694, fragment identifier in URLs should not be  
escaped (Apple bug)
   *  Revert to using Apple's (NSTextView) completion display for the  
input manager
   *  Fixed bug #1429275, BibTeX sniffing regex did not handle  
whitespace correctly
   *  Fixed bug #1428199, entering a single brace should not show all  
available completions in the editor

------------------------- Info --------------------------
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