[OS X TeX] TeXShop woes with "Find Next"

Jan Hegewald rurapente at gmx.de
Sun Feb 12 15:43:05 EST 2006

I get a very absurd behavior if I try to use the "Find Next" (cmd-G)  
command in TeXShop: The first search does always start at the very  
top of the document, regardles where I klick to position the  
insertion point.
Imagine I want to change a few \textit to \emph. So I copy the word  
\emph, select \textit, use "Enter Selection" and hit cmd-G ("Find  
Next") until a \textit gets selected which I want to change. Now I  
hit cmd-v (paste) and want to continue with "Find Next", but alas!  
The search starts at the top of the document.
This workflow works very well in other editors where "Find Next" does  
find the *next*, not the first.
Can anyone confirm this, or do I have a broken TeXShop somehow?

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