[OS X TeX] Unwanted blank page
Claus Gerhardt
gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Sun Jan 1 18:16:29 EST 2006
Use the article class for your Homework, not the book class.
On Jan 1, 2006, at 23:15, Alain Schremmer wrote:
> I am writing a textbook in which there is an exercise section in
> each chapter.
> I have
> \chapter
> \section(Lecture}
> \section{Exercises}
> \begin{exercise}
> \end{exercise}
> etc
> and all is well as the exercises are numbered (chapter #, exercise #)
> So far, so good.
> For practical reasons, this time, I want to hand out the exercises
> in class, as I go.
> I cut and pasted the exercises into another file, HomeWork_01 which
> after the same preamble now reads:
> \noindent{\Large \textsc{Math} \textbf{016} HomeWork 01}
> \hspace{35mm}
> Schremmer
> 12/29/2005
> \begin{exercise}
> \end{exercise}
> etc
> Problem 1. Now, of course, the exercises are numbered (0, exercise
> #). So, I thought that I would just change the file to
> \noindent{\Large \textsc{Math} \textbf{016} HomeWork 01}
> \hspace{35mm}
> Schremmer
> 12/29/2005
> \setcounter{chapter}{0}
> \chapter{}
> \begin{exercise}
> \end{exercise}
> etc
> The exercises are now properly numbered, (1, exercise #) and I
> don't care about the Chapter 1 title.
> The trouble is that on page 1 there is just the heading and then
> there is a blank page and the exercises start on page 3.
> Question: How do I get rid of all that un-ecological space? (As far
> as I can see, Companion2ed explains only how to add blank space!)
> Problem 2. In the text book, where the exercises were, I now have:
> \section{Exercises}
> %\include{016-HomeWork_02}
> %Reminder: When actually including, change project root in 016-
> HomeWork_02 to 016-Arithmetic.tex
> To be handed out in class.
> Because I am going to have 24 chapters, what I would like, of
> course, is code for changing mode without having to do all these
> changes manually—at the considerable risk of botching things. Using
> %!TEX root = ../Main.tex should make it doable but this way beyond
> my capability.
> What made me think of this being feasible is the responses I got on
> this list about "How to comment out includegraphics?"
> Regards for the New Year
> --Schremmer
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