[OS X TeX] TeXShop 2.07

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Tue Jan 10 17:03:07 EST 2006

Am 10.01.2006 um 22:39 schrieb Gerben Wierda:

> Won't work or I would have put it in epstopdf (which I seem to be  
> the maintainer of these days). Reason: there can be stuff included  
> which has its own bbox and if that happens your grep finds multiple  
> lines.The same is true for the atend line.

What is your opinion on Heiko Oberdiek's pdfcrop? I never heard (or  
read) of it failing, and it seems to handle multi-page EPS documents  
too. So it could work as a replacement for epstopdf.



"No man was ever taken to hell by a woman unless he already had a
  ticket in his pocket, or at least had been fooling around with
  timetables."  -- Archie Goodwin

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