[OS X TeX] verbatim problems

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Jul 7 16:46:55 EDT 2006

Am 07.07.2006 um 19:44 schrieb Arthur Snoke:

> What is the rule of ' vs. "?

It's context.

I have a (t)csh alias

	alias pf        'ps auxgw | cut -c1-15,36-132 | awk "/\!:1/ && ! / 
(awk)/ || NR==1"'

(argument is a running programme's name). The problem with the bash  
alias is the $, which is interpreted as a marker for a variable name.  
So a variable name substitution happens. This can happen when (t)csh  
reads the RC file, or when you use the alias on the command line.  
Double quotes allow this substitution when the text between them is  
read in the RC file, single quotes postpone this until execution.

AFAIK tcsh accepts the $ only as part of a variable name or at the  
end of the line, as in:

	alias floc      'locate /\!:1 | grep \!:1$'

So IMO the todos alias won't work in tcsh.



Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists  
elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.
                     -- Bill Watterson, in his comic strip Calvin and  

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