[OS X TeX] Need applescript

Chris Goedde cgoedde at condor.depaul.edu
Thu Jun 15 11:11:40 EDT 2006

This is a gentle suggestion for George and for others asking detailed 
questions like this. It's often better to give the full context of what 
it is you are trying to achieve and ask a general "How might I do 
this?" rather than ask a detailed question about a specific solution to 
the problem. For example, while I've followed this thread, I haven't 
ventured a comment because I don't really understand what George is 
trying to do. (I'm particularly puzzled about automating a process that 
(if I've read correctly) depends on which window a user has open.) Not 
that I *would* have a suggestion for George, even if I understood what 
he wants to do, but I certainly *can't* so long as I don't.

Just my $0.02.


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