[OS X TeX] accidental text clips in TeXShop source files

Jim Delany jdelany at calpoly.edu
Thu Jun 22 18:51:57 EDT 2006

Hi all

I'm a newbie on this list, a regular user of TeXShop and LaTeX, but  
definitely not a power user. My problem is pretty mundane.

I have some difficulty using a mouse due to a genetic problem known  
as essential tremor. Sudden hand twitches are fairly frequent. When  
editing a source file in TeXShop this sometimes creates a text  
clipping, piece of text in limbo which is likely to end up anywhere.  
My work-around is to drop the clipping on the desktop out of harm's way.

This only seems to happen in TeXShop, so I suspect it is a feature of  
that program, but maybe it is part of OS X.

Can anybody tell me how to turn this feature off?  I've checked the  
Help files, as well as these archives, but I may have overlooked the  


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