[OS X TeX] SVG to LaTeX?

Alan Litchfield alan at alphabyte.co.nz
Sun Jun 25 23:41:41 EDT 2006

Alain Schremmer wrote:

> My question: since Circle.svg is vector graphics and therefore already a
> few line of code in some language, is there a way to translate these few
> lines of code (i.e. the svg code that specifies a "red circle with
> radius R and center (x_0, y_0)") into the above LaTeX code.

Yeah, look at one of the many drawing tools that produce output in LaTeX and
use those instead of Intaglio. I have suggested jPicEdt (which is java) but
you can also check out TexPict (which is written in tcl) for general purpose
stuff. There are number of special purpose tools like XCircuit.

As for converting from SVG to LaTeX, there seem a number of tools for
converting to SVG but no the other way around. Maybe it is too new as a format
to have any such thing at the moment. There appears to be a need to convert
legacy data to SVG, but not the other way.

Maybe you could look at converting it to ascii postscript and embedding that
in your code(?). I haven't done that, so I don't know what would be required.


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