[OS X TeX] SVG to LaTeX?

Alain Schremmer Schremmer.Alain at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 10:53:18 EDT 2006

Alain Schremmer wrote:

> Ross Moore wrote:
>> Hello Alain,
>> On 24/06/2006, at 4:45 AM, Alain Schremmer wrote:
>>> William Adams wrote:
>>>> On Jun 23, 2006, at 11:24 AM, Alain Schremmer wrote:
>>>>> Is there a way to convert the SVG pictures into something that I 
>>>>> could then incorporate in the LaTeX source to get one single file?
>>>> Have you found this?
>>>> http://me.in-berlin.de/~darwin/svg/svg2pdf.html
>>>> should be able to set things up so that an svg is transparently 
>>>> converted to a .pdf at need using svglib
>>> Well, once again, I was not clear.
>>> What you mention is not what I am looking for because I already Save 
>>> in Intaglio/SVG and also Save A Copy in cropped pdf which is what 
>>> gets included with \includegraphics{pdf}.
>> Yes, it is a viable solution if you use the following
>> kind of LaTeX coding.
>> In the preamble:
>> \begin{filecontents*}{mypicture.svg}
>> ... SVG coding for a picture ...
>> \end{filecontents*}
>> In the document body:
>> \begin{figure}
>> \centering
>> \immediate\write18{svg2pdf mypicture.svg mypicture.pdf}%
>> \includegraphics{mypicture.pdf}
>> \caption{...}\label{...}
>> \end{figure}
>>> But if I were to send you the book for you to edit, I would have to 
>>> send you:
>>> - the LaTeX source
>>> - plus all the pdf that are included so you can typeset it
>>> - plus all the SVG so you can edit the graphics.
>> With the (editable) SVG source included via {filecontents} you don't 
>> have to supply it separately.
>> Nor do you need to supply the PDF, since this will be created 
>> on-the-fly, provided the svg2pdf program is
>> available.
> Now let me see if I got this right:
> - I get the SVG code from RedCircle.svg. (I don't know how to do 
> that's not the point right now.)
> - I place the SVG code for RedCircle in the preamble of the document.
> - I insert before the line \includegraphics{RedCircle.pdf}the line 
> \immediate\write18{svg2pdf RedCircle.svg mypicture.pdf}%
> - TeXShop will show the red circle when typesetting if the svg2pdf 
> program is … where?
> - If I want to edit the red circel, I get RedCircle.svg from the SVG 
> code in the preamble.
> If I did get it right, I think that I am going to start looking for 
> how to get the SVG code from RedCircle.svg to give it a try.

I downloaded adobe's svgviewer. Nothing seems to have happened but, when 
I double-clicked on an svg file, SubEthaEdit did show the code. So, I 
suppose something did happen.

What I cannot find, though, is svg2pdf. It is all over Google but all I 
could find was the doc at


which is by Digital Applications—digapp.com—but that leads to


which seems to have dropped it circa 2003.

Has anyone actually seen a copy of svg2pdf?

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