[OS X TeX] TeXniscope problems after LaTeX upgrade

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Thu May 4 08:23:51 EDT 2006

Le 4 mai 06 à 13:47, Jose Figueroa-O'Farrill a écrit :

> With the following declaration:
> \documentclass[12pt,final,dvipdfm]{amsart}
> TeXniscope cannot render the resulting DVI file, although I can
> run dvipdfm manually and view the resulting PDF file with TeXniscope.
> On the other hand, with the following declaration
> \documentclass[12pt,final]{amsart}
> TeXniscope does not complain, but when I run dvipdfm manually on the
> file then I get an error.

TeXniscope uses dvipdfmx, not dvipdfm. Does running dvipdfmx instead  
of dvipdfm alter the behaviour you're seeing?

The [dvipdfm] option has nothing to see with the amsart class, and  
must be passed on to additional packages you're loading like  
graphics, graphicx or hyperref. Could you suppress it as an option to  
amsart, and put it back as an option to these packages one by hand,  
and see what happens?

Le 4 mai 06 à 14:00, Morten Høgholm a écrit :

> Can you provide us with a complete, yet minimal example LaTeX file?

By the way, Morten, looking at changes.txt in the latest LaTeX  
graphics package (as installed by Gerben's LaTeX Updater i-Package  
at /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/tex/latex/graphics/, and  
available on CTAN at <http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/ 
required/graphics/>) I see:

> 2005-11-14 Morten Hoegholm <latex-bugs at latex-project.org>
> [...]
> 	* graphics.dtx: Added support for dvipdfmx and XeTeX.

and indeed graphics.sty contains:

> \DeclareOption{dvipdfmx}{\def\Gin at driver{dvipdfmx.def}}

But there is no dvipdfmx.def driver file in the graphics package, and  
I couldn't find any at the dvipfmx site <http://project.ktug.or.kr/ 

Could it be that its absence is causing the problem? Where can it be  


Bruno Voisin------------------------- Info --------------------------
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