[OS X TeX] Re: [XeTeX] texdoc, was: Microtypography?

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Tue May 9 11:47:08 EDT 2006

Am 09.05.2006 um 13:50 schrieb Bruno Voisin:

> Given the extent of the additional installation to perform, I'll  
> wait for some more input (if any) in this thread before installing  
> anything. I must admit I'm a bit surprised that teTeX doesn't  
> provide a complete setup in this respect.

Because it's rather a part of the system's Perl installation ... It  
probably would work to install the Perl-Tk interface and everything  
else missing somewhere in teTeX and either to edit a system file that  
extends Perl's search path for PM files (Perl Modules) or using an  
environment variable -- better Apple thinks of integrating all  
programming and scripting languages it installs with Mac OS X instead  
of giving libraries funny names.

>> Bruno, please pay attention to the two really different names:  
>> texdoc and texdoctk. The former is just a shell script (and I  
>> think there is nothing in teTeX or gwTeX that 'configures' it),  
>> and the other is a graphical application, that itself can use  
>> texdoc for not to decide itself which application will show the  
>> doc. In my ~/.texdocrc I have set texdoc as handler for some  
>> document types in texdoctk, as I did before in GNU or Carbon Emacs  
>> and its AUCTeX mode.
> The issue seems confusing: despite the location (inside a texdoctk  
> directory)
> 	/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/texdoctk/texdocrc.defaults
> 	/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.gwtex/texdoctk/texdocrc.defaults
> the file texdocrc.defaults relates actually to texdoc, not  
> texdoctk. It's used by default unless the user has set up a  
> ~/.texdocrc, apparently:
> 	# TeXdoc defaults configuration file
> 	# Uncomment and edit settings according to your system
> 	# These defaults will be overridden by entries in users'  
> ~/.texdocrc files,
> 	# which can be generated from copies of this file

The four lines above are just a comment. The reality is this:

	pete 274 /\ grep texdoc /usr/local/teTeX/bin/`uname -p`-apple-darwin- 
	help='Usage: texdoc [OPTION]... [NAME]...
	     -*)     echo "texdoc: option $1 not recognized" 1>&2;;
	      man texdoc; continue;;
	pete 275 /\ grep progname /usr/local/teTeX/bin/`uname -p`-apple- 
	  warn "$progname: $1."

  => the texdoc script has no rc file. The command "grep texdoc /usr/ 
local/teTeX/bin/`uname -p`-apple-darwin-current/texdoctk" delivers  
too many lines to cite them here, but you can convince yourself  
easily that texdoctk reads and writes ~/.texdocrc!



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