[OS X TeX] TeXshop

Matthias Damm macplanet at macnews.de
Thu Nov 16 19:04:41 EST 2006

Am 17.11.2006 um 00:52 schrieb Raul Martinez:

> After reading the whole thread about Gerben's discontinuation of  
> support for TeXshop (I share everyone's dismay about Gerben's  
> departure and thank him profusely for his efforts) and the  
> migration to TeXLive, it remains unclear to me what happens to the  
> TeXshop text editor. I find the editor to be very useful  
> particularly the feature that  allows one to click on the pdf  
> document and get sent to the appropriate text in the .tex file. Is  
> the text editor also part of the TeXLive distribution? If not, what  
> is the future, if any, of the text editor?

Don't worry -- TeXShop will work with any TeX distribution, you'll  
just have to set up the paths to the appropriate binaries correctly.  
So, any solution that will turn up in the (probably near, I guess)  
future will continue to work with TeXShop.

> Is there an alternative editor that the readers of this list can  
> recommend?

If you need advanced editing features, you might want to try out  
TextMate (which is a really great editor), but if TeXShop works fine  
for you, there should not be a reason to switch.

Best regards,

Matthias Damm
mad at macpla.net
PGP key: http://macpla.net/MatthiasDamm.asc
PGP fingerprint: CED3 6074 7F7D 3148 C6F3  DFF2 05FF 3A0B 0D12 4D41

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