[OS X TeX] A question from a new member

Alain Schremmer Schremmer.Alain at gmail.com
Mon Oct 16 10:49:26 EDT 2006

Herbert Schulz wrote:

>> 3.in-line spellchecking if possible, since I write in english, and it 
>> is not my native language;
> As with other Cocoa editors, using CocoAspell will give you this 
> feature and it also ``knows'' about LaTeX (and the list is extensible).

When I mispell (often), TeXShop alerts me. But I just checked and I 
don't have CocoAspell. So, who is doing the checking for me? And what 
would CocoAspell do for /this/ non-native speaker?

>> 4. shortcuts for greek letters, like Alt+G+A for alpha...
> If you use an available Command Completion file you can generate Greek 
> letter by using, e.g., \xa and then Esc to get \alpha, \xcg and then 
> Esc for \Gamma and \xvth for \vartheta. It also has shortcuts for 
> common environments and again is extensible.

The LaTex Panel isn't really bad either. I just wish it would remember 
when I restart that I had it there was there when I quit. (I think it 
used to.)

>> 5. if possible, shortcuts for things like bold, emphasize...
> Write a macro that does it and assign a keyboard shortcut to it. Right 
> now the usual shortcuts, Cmd-I and Cmd-B, can't be reassigned easily 
> but others work.

That is, I think, my /only gripe/ with TeXShop: What is the point of 
Command B / Command I boldfacing/italicizing the whole Source?

I would certainly see the point of a command or, more likely, a 
preference that increases the size of the whole text in the source but, 
and of course, this may be due to my lack of imagination, I can't see 
why these commands should ever have been used in the whole history of 

This said, you won't pry TeXShop out of my dead cold hand—or whatever 
the saying really is.

> I'd try it and see if it works for you. Feel free to ask questions 
> about its usage here. I wouldn't say it's perfect but I keep learning 
> more and have been amazed at how some of the built-in features allows 
> you to do some neat things. 

And my one major wish is that TeXShop would be able to "fold" chapters 
and sections. (If I had the time and the capability of doing so, this is 
the one feature I would try to develop into TeXShop. And, no, this is 
not a hint.)


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