[OS X TeX] Is this geometry behavior correct?

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Sat Apr 7 04:54:29 EDT 2007

On 6 Apr 2007, at 4:46 pm, Peter Dyballa wrote:
> Jonathan, you can make kpsewhich show a very detailed and hard to  
> read path. Making the kpsewhich part of a pipe by adding on the  
> command line
> 	 | tr : '\012'
> you'll see the path components on separate lines, unsorted, i.e.  
> the way TeX actually searches.

Yes, I know. And if you run something like

   kpsewhich --show-path tex

you'll see "kpsewhich" subdirs among the paths. I guess that's why  
you decided to put geometry.cfg into such a dir. However, that's  
wrong, because when you actually run latex (rather than kpsewhich)  
those dirs will *not* be searched with the priority that kpsewhich  
showed; the current program name (latex) will be used instead.

To use kpsewhich properly, you should give it the --progname option  
to ensure that you're seeing the same paths as would be used by the  
real program you're interested in; for example,

   kpsewhich --progname latex --show-path tex

Then you'll see no 'kpsewhich' subdirs in the paths; instead, you'll  
see 'latex' ones. *Those* paths are the ones you can use to make  
sensible decisions about where to put files for latex to find them.


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