[OS X TeX] Re: Hyperrefs, footnotes, maketitle
Roussanka Loukanova
rloukano at stp.lingfil.uu.se
Thu Apr 12 02:27:54 EDT 2007
On Wed, 11 Apr 2007, Roussanka Loukanova wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Apr 2007, Nathan Paxton wrote:
> I don't get \href{mailto:... at ...}{\url{... at ...}} working,
> I get a browser window opened. I get the following working:
\href{mailto:... at ...}{... at ...}
According to Nathan's remark about e-mail addresses and spam generation:
>From now on, since I forgot to delete my address from the copy-paste of
the successful line of my test, the spams will be about 2n, or n^2, or
2^n, or 2^n+1 per day (where n is the number of spams for each email
address occurrence in that email only, and the +1 is from the header) :-(
But I carefully did the deletion step in the 1st line, so I managed to
halve down the number :)
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