[OS X TeX] OT: looking for a public-domain EPS file editor

Chris Goedde cgoedde at condor.depaul.edu
Thu Apr 26 11:44:38 EDT 2007

On Apr 26, 2007, at 3:46 AM, Peter Dyballa wrote:

> How can such a forbidden operator slip into the EPSF output?  
> Because the programmer cannot read?

The file in question doesn't claim to be in EPSF format; the first  
line is:


That's one of the problems, er features, with postscript; there  
aren't really any rules, only guidelines. Even the bounding box is  
technically only a comment in the file, for example.

I've seen this problem (the use of initmatrix or other "forbidden"  
operators) before in postscript files. It was pretty common years ago  
(especially on anything written for windows, where postscript has  
always been sort of a bastard stepchild); I suspect the TECPLOT  
postscript code was written a long time ago and hasn't been updated.


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