[OS X TeX] Re: Tables
Nathan Paxton
napaxton at fas.harvard.edu
Tue Aug 21 12:31:46 EDT 2007
Sorry all. Stupid followup. Do I need to go to the directory where
the script is saved?
On 21 Aug 2007, at 10:37 AM, Hamner, Jesse Harrison wrote:
> All,
> On 8/21/07 10:24 AM, "Nathan Paxton" <napaxton at fas.harvard.edu> wrote:
>> Where would I save this, and how would I add it so the
>> command line
>> "sees" it?
> I just tried this. There are a few line breaks that need to be
> eliminated (80-column wrap issues in the email) but I am very
> impressed at
> how well it works.
> Put the script in some directory, say, /Users/nathan.
> Copy some cells from an excel table.
> open Terminal
> type
> ruby scriptname.rb (in this case, I called it xl2latex.rb as
> suggested)
> And it should answer "Ok. In clipboard"
> then paste the contents of the clipboard into your LaTeX document.
> Jesse
>>> Here is the program (between ******; don't include the asterisks!)):
>>> (Save as xl2latex.rb)
>>> ****************************
>>> #!/usr/bin/ruby
>>> # (c) 2005 Tom Counsell tom at counsell.org
>>> # Licenced under the GPL
>>> #
>>> # Converts excel tables into latex tables
>>> #
>>> # Requires Mac OSX 10.4, although could be adapted for other
>>> platoforms
>>> #
>>> # To use, copy the excel table you want to convert to the clipboard
>>> # Run this code
>>> # The latex code will be in the clipboard ready to paste
>>> #
>>> # Let me know of any bugfixes or suggestions
>>> require 'csv'
>>> def escape_latex( string )
>>> string.gsub( %r{([&$#%])} ) { '\\' + $1 }
>>> end
>>> text = `pbpaste`
>>> lines = text.split("\r")
>>> lines = lines.map { |line| line.split("\t") }
>>> columns = lines.map { |line| line.size }.max
>>> header = lines.shift
>>> pbcopy = IO.popen('pbcopy','w+')
>>> pbcopy.puts "\\begin{center}"
>>> pbcopy.puts "\\begin{longtable}{#{'l '*columns}}"
>>> pbcopy.puts header.map{ |entry| escape_latex entry }.join(' & ')+' \
>>> \\\'
>>> pbcopy.puts "\\endfirsthead"
>>> pbcopy.puts header.map{ |entry| escape_latex entry }.join(' & ')+' \
>>> \\\'
>>> pbcopy.puts "\\endhead"
>>> pbcopy.puts "\\multicolumn{#{columns}}{r}{{Continued\\ldots}} \\"
>>> pbcopy.puts "\\endfoot"
>>> pbcopy.puts "\\hline"
>>> pbcopy.puts "\\endlastfoot"
>>> pbcopy.puts
>>> lines.each do |row|
>>> pbcopy.puts row.map{ |entry| escape_latex entry }.join(' & ')+'
>>> \\\\'
>>> end
>>> pbcopy.puts
>>> pbcopy.puts "\\end{longtable}"
>>> pbcopy.puts "\\end{center}"
>>> pbcopy.close_write
>>> puts pbcopy.gets || "Ok. In clipboard"
>>> *************************************
> --
> Jesse Hamner
> Coordinator, Social Sciences Computing Center
> Emory University
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Nathan A. Paxton
Ph.D. Candidate
Dept. of Government, Harvard University
Resident Tutor
John Winthrop House, Harvard University
napaxton AT fas DOT harvard DOT edu
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perpetual state of homesickness.
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