[OS X TeX] Re: Tables

Hamner, Jesse Harrison jhamner at emory.edu
Tue Aug 21 12:44:18 EDT 2007

On 8/21/07 12:31 PM, "Nathan Paxton" <napaxton at fas.harvard.edu> wrote:

>         Sorry all. Stupid followup.  Do I need to go to the directory where
> the script is saved?

Yep. The Terminal defaults to open in the /Users/youruserid directory. If
you put the script in there and open Terminal, you should be able to see it
by typing ls and hitting return. (if you have a huge amount of files, type

ls | grep .rb


You *could* make the script executable (chmod a+x scriptname.ext) and put it
in a directory known to your PATH variable to have executables, like
/usr/local/bin, but that requires root privileges. If you choose this route,
you'll need to use the entire filename as the command, like


to make it run, or else use a softlink, like

ln -s /opt/local/bin/xl2latex.rb /opt/local/bin/xl2latex


Jesse Hamner
Coordinator, Social Sciences Computing Center
Emory University

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