[OS X TeX] New MacTeX Packages

Richard Koch koch at math.uoregon.edu
Sat Dec 1 13:53:36 EST 2007


I have updated MacTeX and all remaining packages on www.tug.org/mactex  
and www.tug.org/mactex/morepackages.html. Readers of this list can  
ignore these upgrades unless they want to reassure colleagues that the  
packages are completely Leopard compatible. It will take a few days  
for CTAN and other servers to react to the upgrades.

The TeXLive-2007-Dev package still has the August version of TeX Live  
because the install script in the current svn image has problems.

BibDesk and Eudora are upgraded to the latest versions. The packages  
install LaTeXiT 1.14.4 on Tiger, but 1.14.3 on Leopard. I'll change  
this as soon as LaTeXiT is upgraded.

All packages used the old method to set PATH and MANPATH on systems  
10.3 and 10.4, but the new Leopard method on 10.5. However, they do  
not undo the 10.4 changes if these were previously installed. The old  
changes cause no problems, but users who want to remove them can use  
LeopardTeXFix on


Bruno Voisin pointed out that Gerben installs the man pages for the  
Font Utilities in /usr/local/man. The new MacTeX adds this location to  
MANPATH on Leopard, but not on earlier systems, when the user installs  
Font Utilities. LeopardTeXFix does not make this change, but users who  
want it without installing the new MacTeX can make the change by hand:  
add a file named "FontUtilities" to /etc/manpaths.d containing the  
single line


Dick Koch
koch at math.uoregon.edu

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