[OS X TeX] Latex on Leopard

Romulus Breban breban at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 09:57:20 EST 2007

Hello everybody,

I am new to Mac and far from being a Latex expert.  I would like to  
install Latex on my Mac.  My final goal is to have a distribution that  
includes revtex; also it would be nice to be able to add extra classes  
from various sources without messing up my distribution too much.  I  
need to be able to produce pdf through ps.

I tried out Wierda's distribution (doesn't contain revtex) with  
iTexMac2.  I wasn't able to properly configure iTexMac2 for the tex- 
 >ps->pdf compilation path.  Apparently TexShop handles only pdflatex  
and such.  Any help out there?


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