Re: [OS X TeX] gwTex in Leopard – no gtmacfonts created?
Bruno Voisin
bvoisin at
Tue Dec 11 08:50:43 EST 2007
Le 11 déc. 07 à 14:08, Rolf Schmolling a écrit :
> But
> Calvin/usr/local/gwTeX/texmf.gwtex/fonts/truetype/gtamacfonts/didot
> has NOT been created ("Folder doesn't exist)
Did you install the Fondu i-Package *before* installing gwTeX? The TTF
font files such as
are only created if Fondu is already present at the time the TeX i-
Package is configured.
Apart from this, I see no explanation. gwTeX installed fine,
gtamacfonts and all, on my Leopard setup.
Bruno Voisin
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