[OS X TeX] Creating a Sensible PDF Document

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Wed Feb 7 12:55:27 EST 2007

Le 7 févr. 07 à 18:23, Philipp Mathey a écrit :

> If I wanted to create a document with say xelatex that
> can be read on some machine not running mac os x . say a system  
> running Linux with xpdf,
> would I have to choose the option to have all fonts embedded in the  
> document
> during the configuration phase even though this will create a much  
> larger
> document ? Is that the only way ?

The option -E in Jonathan's suggestion

   xelatex -output-driver="xdvipdfmx -q -E" myfile.tex

tells precisely to always embed fonts. xdvipdfmx has apparently no  
man page, but on the command line you can get:

> $ xdvipdfmx
> No dvi filename specified.
> This is xdvipdfmx-0.3 by Jonathan Kew and Jin-Hwan Cho,
> an extended version of DVIPDFMx, which in turn was
> an extended version of dvipdfm-0.13.2c developed by Mark A. Wicks.
> Copyright (c) 2006 SIL International and Jin-Hwan Cho.
> This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
> it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
> (at your option) any later version.
> Usage: xdvipdfmx [options] xdvfile
> -c              Ignore color specials (for B&W printing)
> -d number       Set PDF decimal digits (0-5) [2]
> -l              Landscape mode
> -f filename     Set font map file name [t1fonts.map]
> -m number       Set additional magnification
> -o filename     Set output file name [dvifile.pdf]
> -p papersize    Set papersize [a4]
> -r resolution   Set resolution (in DPI) for raster fonts [600]
> -s pages        Select page ranges (-)
> -t              Embed thumbnail images
> -x dimension    Set horizontal offset [1.0in]
> -y dimension    Set vertical offset [1.0in]
> -z number       Set zlib compression level (0-9) [9]
> -v              Be verbose
> -vv             Be more verbose
> -C number       Specify miscellaneous option flags [0]:
>                   0x0001 reserved
>                   0x0002 Use semi-transparent filling for tpic  
> shading command,
>                          instead of opaque gray color. (requires  
> PDF 1.4)
>                   0x0004 Treat all CIDFont as fixed-pitch font.
>                   0x0008 Do not replace duplicate fontmap entries.
>                 Positive values are always ORed with previously  
> given flags.
>                 And negative values replace old values.
> -E              Always try to embed fonts, regardless of licensing  
> flags.
> -O number       Set maximum depth of open bookmark items [0]
> -P number       Set permission flags for PDF encryption [0x003C]
> -S              Enable PDF encryption
> -T              Embed thumbnail images. Remove images files when  
> finished.
> -M              Experimental mps-to-pdf mode
> -V number       Set PDF minor version [3]
> All dimensions entered on the command line are "true" TeX dimensions.
> Argument of "-s" lists physical page ranges separated by commas,  
> e.g., "-s 1-3,5-6"
> Papersize is specified by paper format (e.g., "a4") or by  
> w<unit>,h<unit> (e.g., "20cm,30cm").

Bruno Voisin
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