[OS X TeX] New Packages for Feb 12

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Tue Feb 20 04:46:26 EST 2007

On 20 Feb 2007, at 9:18 am, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:

> I know, TeXShop is just a front-end for processing programs like  
> (im my case) …
> #!/bin/tcsh
> set path= ($path /usr/local/TeXLive/bin/i386-apple-darwin-current / 
> usr/local/bin)
> texmfstart texexec  "$1"

There's a possible problem with this: it *appends* a TeX binaries  
directory to the current path, which means that if your path already  
includes some other (old?) TeX binaries directory, maybe from a  
different distribution, you may not be running the programs you think.

Personally, I use engine scripts in TeXShop that do *not* set the  
path at all, and instead rely on having the directories I want  
already present in my default path. If I do want to ensure that an  
engine uses binaries from a particular (non-default) location, then I  
have the engine script *prefix* that directory to the path.

Don't know if this explains your problems, but it may be worth  
checking paths carefully.

BTW, with the newest distributions, the recommended approach is to  
use /usr/texbin as the path for TeX-related binaries; see the  
documentation about the TeX Distributions pref panel, paths, etc.


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