[OS X TeX] MacTeX - a few questions

Jerome Laurens Jerome.Laurens at u-bourgogne.fr
Sun Feb 25 14:01:44 EST 2007

Selon Bruno Voisin <bvoisin at mac.com>:

> Do you mean all the problems are caused by TeXDistTool.app (appearing
> as TeX Distribution Helper in the Finder)? Personally I never saw the
> use of this application, whose only function seems to be launching
> TeX Distribution in System Preferences.
> Bruno Voisin

TeXDistTool.app owns the TeXDist packages.
This means two things:
1 - the TeXDist folders are displayed as wrappers by the Finder, thus preventing
the average user to play with the contents of these folders, minimizing the
risks of problems.
2 - The application is launched when double-clicking of a TeXDist package.

Actually, TeXDistTool just switches to the TeXDist pref pane when launched.
But this tool should be able to manage the configuration of the distribution.

More precisely,
Given many TeX Distributions, the TeXDist Pref Pane allows the user to choose
the active one
Given one TeX Distribution, the TeXDistTool should allow to configurate it

I would be happy to help in designing the user interface but I have no time to
do much more. So, if some of you can give a restricted number of basic config
tasks, with their shell scripts, this would be a perfect starting point.

However, the TeXDist design came with some universality, it would be fine to
keep this universality for the configuration tool.

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