[OS X TeX] CharacterPal & Symbols

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Thu Jan 4 21:03:51 EST 2007

Have you seen the CharacterPal widget <http://www.tacowidgets.com/ 
widgets/characterpal/>, mentioned today by MacNN?

Too bad the source code isn't available (or if it is I haven't found  
where): the way CharacterPal displays not only key combination but  
also HTML code for a given character is cool (did you ever suspect ⌘  
was "&#x2318;"?), it would be even cooler if it could be adapted to  
display TeX code.

On the other hand there is also Symbols <http://vocaro.com/trevor/ 
software/widgets/>, a bit less intuitive but which knows about TeX  

Now if only I understood why Apple has made it so that widgets cannot  
be displayed in the same time as standard windows in the Finder:  
what's the purpose of such widgets if these cannot be visualized side- 
by-side with the windows for which they're supposed to make input  
easier. In Vista for example, if I'm not mistaken, gadgets appear in  
the Sidebar side-by-side to standard Vista windows.

Let's hope Leopard will correct this (what-I-think-to-be-a) mistake.

Bruno Voisin
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