[OS X TeX] Coexisting TeX distributions and TeXShop .engine files

Malcolm Ross Malcolm.Ross at anu.edu.au
Mon Jan 29 03:50:18 EST 2007

I have two coexisting TeX distributions on my PowerBook G4. The TeX  
Distributions preference pane shows them as gwTeX-2003-2005 and  
TeXLive-2007, and the pane is switched to  TeXLive-2007. When I run  
LaTeX, the log shows that TeXLive-2007 is used, but when I run  
XeLaTeX, the log shows that teTeX (i.e. gwTeX) is used instead. I had  
expected TeXLive to be used in both cases, and I am struggling to  
understand why teTeX is used with XeLaTeX. Xe(La)TeX is present in  
both distributions.

The XeLaTeX.engine file reads:


set path= ($path /usr/texbin /usr/local/bin)
xelatex  "$1"

I was under the impression that '/usr/texbin' should cause TeXShop to  
use the distribution selected in the preference pane. It seems I am  
wrong. Can anyone enlighten me as to why this might be happening and  
how I can fix things so that TeXLive-2007 is chosen in all cases?

Thank you.


Malcolm D. Ross
Professor, Department of Linguistics
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Building No. 9, The Australian National University
CANBERRA A.C.T. 0200, Australia


ANU CRICOS Provider Number is 00120C

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