simpdftex_dpmx, dvipdfmx: dvips+ps2pdf; url+hyperref; was Re: [OS X TeX] Correction and Misc

Roussanka Loukanova rloukano at
Sat Mar 3 14:57:31 EST 2007

Hi again, with assessment of my previous posting:

On Sat, 3 Mar 2007, Roussanka Loukanova wrote:
> On Sat, 3 Mar 2007, Richard Koch wrote:

>> 	simpdftex latex --maxpfb    -->    simpdftex_dpmx  latex  --dpx 
>> --maxpfb
>> will use DVIPDFMX instead of dvips _ ps2pdf.
> I did the above, i.e., got in
> TeXShop Preferences:
> Engine
> TeX + dvips + distiller
> Latex Program (default: altpdflatex)
> simpdftex_dpmx latex --dpx --maxpfb
> Trying Typeset a tex file, I got a pop-up box telling:
> /usr/texbin/simpdftex_dpmx does not exist.
> Also "which" does not find simpdftex_dpmx:
> $ which simpdftex_dpmx
> no simpdftex_dpmx in /Users/rosi/bin /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin 
> /usr/texbin /usr/local/bin

I actually did the above tests with gwTeX, by forgetting to switch to 
TeXLive-2007, while gwTeX does not include dvipdfmx. Now, after making
TeXLive-2007 the active TeX Distribution, I get:

$ which simpdftex_dpmx
$ which dvipdfmx

I tested the above substitution in TeXShop Preferences with the following 

1. Several small small tex files typeset finely

2.  Tex files with dvips dependent drawings go through typesetting and a 
pdf file is viewed, but without the drawings. The console in TeXShop 
issues a long list of warnings.

3. Similarly, a test file with hyperlinks goes trough Typeset, but none of 
the hyperlinks in the pdf file works. And the console in TeXShop lists 

At the end is my test-url-hyperref.tex file, if someone would like to 
try it. I am not including the output in the console because it's rather 
long. I intend to take away dvipdfmx from the TeXShop, at least for now. 
BTW, this test convinced me that the View command for dvi files in Emacs 
indeed opens TeXShop for the entire stage dvi -> pdf, depending on what 
is set in TeXShop Prefrences -> Engine -> Latex Program (default: altpdflatex):

- dvipdfmx with simpdftex_dpmx latex --dpx --maxpfb

- dvips + ps2pdf with simpdftex latex --maxpfb

(I think this is a good relationship Emacs <-> TexShop.)





\addtolength{\headheight}{14pt} % space for the rule
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