[OS X TeX] Equivalent to TeXify in TeXShop?

Friedrich Vosberg fvosberg at mac.com
Sat Mar 10 16:30:52 EST 2007

Am 10.03.2007 um 18.01 schrieb Peter Dyballa:

> I'd put it into ~/bin and make it executable (chmod a+x ~/bin/texify).

Me too:

   albook:~/bin fv$ ls -al
   total 24
   drwxr-xr-x    4 fv  fv   136 Mar 10 22:19 .
   drwxr-xr-x   31 fv  fv  1054 Mar 10 20:41 ..
   -rw-r--r--    1 fv  fv  6148 Mar 10 20:46 .DS_Store
   -rwx------    1 fv  fv  3549 Mar 10 15:37 texify


> Once texify works fine

How can I check whether it works? And how can I invoke it in TeXShop  
to handle a TeX file?

> you can move it into /usr/local/bin,

Could I move it into my standard TeX trees ~/Library/texmf/...?

TIA and kind regards, Friedrich

PS: Sometimes it's not really maclike to configure TeX on Mac.

»I have never been certain that the moral of the Icarus myth is, as  
is generally accepted, 'don't fly too high', or whether it might also  
be thought of as: 'forget about the wax and feathers, and do a better  
job on the wings'.« (Stanley Kubrick)
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