[OS X TeX] CTAN primary nodes have big problems with MacTeX traffic

Joachim Schrod jschrod at acm.org
Tue Mar 27 09:08:43 EDT 2007


I would like to let you know that the primary CTAN nodes have big 
problems with the volume of MacTeX downloads. Please, please, 
please: If you download, use the multiplexer link on 
http://www.tug.org/mactex/ and *not* one of the direct CTAN links.

We have over a hundred mirrors, please let's utilize them.

In the last 12 hours alone, ftp.dante.de already had more than 60 GB 
of MacTeX traffic, even though we throttled the bandwidth already to 
reduce the load. We will now disallow downloads from sites with 
unresolvable IP addresses, as a last resort. This month, we will 
have again more than 3 TB traffic, which starts to be a real problem 
for us. (Our hosting contract includes only 2.5 TB traffic per 
month.) Cambridge is threatening to turn off its (primary!) CTAN 
node if we don't get the traffic under control.

So, please help to spread the word: Use the multiplexer link to 
reduce the overload of the primary hosts.

For the CTAN team,


(I will follow this thread on the ML, and try to answer.)

Joachim Schrod				Email: jschrod at acm.org
Roedermark, Germany

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