[OS X TeX] BibTex Can't Find My Bib-File Anymore

Richard L. Aurbach rick at aurbach.com
Wed May 2 14:44:55 EDT 2007

I recently updated TeXShop to 2.10b8 (as part of the TeXLive 2007
update), and the behavior of the bibtex support has changed.

I have been keeping my bibliography databases in ~/Library/texmf/
bibtex/. For example, with a database named CompSci.bib in that
location, Texshop PREVIOUSLY had no problem finding and processing
the database using \bibliography{CompSci}.

Now, however, bibtex (run via TeXShop) doesn't find it. I can work
around the problem by using a full path specification, but this is ugly.

Where SHOULD the bibtex databases be located now for them to be found
automatically? I don't want to put them in a project folder for a
specific document.


Rick Aurbach

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