[OS X TeX] Spotlight search in /usr/local/gwTeX/bin/i386-apple-darwin-current

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Wed May 16 02:47:24 EDT 2007

Le 16 mai 07 à 07:55, Friedrich Vosberg a écrit :

> How can I achieve that Spotlight searches in the /gwTeX/ directory  
> too?

In Terminal:

	mdimport -f /usr/local/gwTeX

This has to be redone every time gwTeX is modified. Other useful  
commands are

	mdimport -L

which returns a list of all installed importers (including those  
hidden inside application bundles),

	mdimport -r /Applications/TeX/TeXShop.app/Contents/Library/Spotlight/ 

which reimports metadata for all files to which TeXShop's TeX  
SpotLight importer applies, and

	mdutil -E "Macintosh HD"

which rebuilds entirely the SpotLight database for a given volume  
(here Macintosh HD). See the man page for mdimport and for the other  
utilities mdutil, mdfind, mdls and mdcheckschema mentioned there.

Herb Schulz mentioned a SpotLight Indexer tool providing a GUI for  
all SpotLight-related tasks. I haven't tried it, but from Herb's  
description it seems quite nice.

Bruno Voisin

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