[OS X TeX] trying to use belleek or mathtime fonts (revised)

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Mon May 21 15:35:05 EDT 2007

Le 21 mai 07 à 21:07, Art Werschulz a écrit :

> (Some additional information in my original posting ...)

Back in January I posted (too) extensive installation instructions  
for Lucida and MathTime, to be used with the then-to-be-released  
gwTeX and TeXLive-2007:


You will have to adapt the instructions to what's currently inside  
gwTeX and TeXLive-2007, and extract only the bits relevant to your  
setup. Unfortunately I no longer have time to look at the matter, sorry.

In particular, I think Karl Berry was planning to completely remove  
belleek and mathtime support from TeXLive-2007, due to licensing  
issues. It's possible that's the case now, and that this is what's  
causing what you are seeing.

An alternative is to purchase the MathTime Pro 2 fonts from PCTeX  
<http://www.pctex.com/mtpro2.html>. They are the current version of  
the MathTime fonts, and offer many improvements over the original  
MathTime 1.1 fonts, such as bold math italic. Gary Gray, I think, has  
some experience installing them.

Bruno Voisin

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