[OS X TeX] magnification in the geometry package

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon May 28 07:44:36 EDT 2007

Am 28.05.2007 um 02:59 schrieb André Bellaïche:

> \usepackage 
> [mag=800,paperwidth=15truecm,paperheight=22.5truecm,textwidth=11truecm 
> ,textheight=17truecm,inner=17truemm]{geometry}

I actually do not understand why you have to use mag when you also  
give exact dimensions! Isn't mag an auxiliary means to make an ISO A4  
page fit on some non-standard paper? At least I get in the LOG file:

	Package geometry Warning: The marginal notes would fall off the page.
	     Add 23.19832pt and more to the right margin.

Leaving mag away I still get:

	Package geometry Warning: The marginal notes would fall off the page.
	     Add 39.55864pt and more to the right margin.

So it's obvious that you make mistakes in specifying the dimensions.

> \usepackage 
> [mag=800,paperwidth=18.75cm,paperheight=28.125cm,textwidth=13.75cm,tex 
> theight=21.25cm,inner=21.25mm]{geometry}
> or
> \usepackage 
> [paperwidth=18.75cm,paperheight=28.125cm,textwidth=13.75cm,textheight= 
> 21.25cm,inner=21.25mm,mag=800]{geometry}

Both give similar warning messages. It is quite helpful to add these  
two options when using geometry:


Particularly showframe will show that the frame for mag=800 is  
outside the paper format chosen. The verbose option will show that  
paper width and height are exactly 80 % of the given values (and that  
the sum of text width and inner is bigger than the resulting paper  
width) while in your first example  the text body was enlarged to  
exactly 125 % ...



 From error to error, one discovers the entire truth.
                                                      - Sigmund Freud

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