[OS X TeX] ps in pdf file

Guido Governatori guido at itee.uq.edu.au
Thu May 31 17:52:50 EDT 2007

>> Hello  --
>> Is there a simple way to process a file in TexShop or especially
>> in LateXiT (getting pdf output) which includes the following:
>>  \psovalbox[%
>>          fillcolor=cyan,%
>>          fillstyle=solid,%
>>          linecolor=red]{\blue\textbf{My text ...}}
>> In the preamble is \usepackage{pst-pdf,pstricks}.  The result in  
>> this case should
>> be a cyan oval box with red border enclosing blue text.
>> By "simple" I mean:
>> a. not using the terminal;
>> b. making a template for LaTeXiT so I can substitute new colors/ 
>> text and
>> process it with the LaTeXiT command.
>> I'm using LaTeXiT 1.12.0, TexShop 2.1beta8, Tiger 10.4.9.
>> Thanks, Charles Pugh
What about using pgf/tikz instead of pstricks?



in the preamble

and then

\tikzstyle test=[fill=cyan,draw=red,shape=ellipse]
\tikz \filldraw (0,0) node[style=test] {My text \dots};


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