[OS X TeX] TeXShop features I would like to correct (or have corrected)

André Bellaïche abellaic at math.jussieu.fr
Fri Nov 2 05:02:38 EDT 2007

Some TeXShop features I would like to correct before switching to  

1. When TeXShop gets into an error, because of a undefined macro,  
e.g., most of the time, after correcting the error, I have to Abort  
and Trash Aux Files before typesetting again. If I don't do it, I get  
into an immediate error.

Some people tell me they never get intot this TeXShop behaviour, so I  
think it may be due to incorrect TeXShop Preferences on my computer.

2. When there is an error in an input file, or in a .sty file, and  
you press the button Goto Error, TeXShop takes you to a line which  
has the same line number as the the line where the error actually  
happened, but which is in the root file!

3. (Similar to 2). TeXShop can correctly detect minor errors, as a  
{ or \begingroup with no matching } or \endgroup, it displays the  
number of the line where the error has occured, but not the name of  
the file! You can find it out by checking all the files used, but  
this is not so easy if you have five .sty custom files and ten chapters.

A typical error message is:

(\end occurred inside a group at level 1)

### simple group (level 1) entered at line 274 ({)
### bottom level

André Bellaïche
Université Paris 7
Département de mathématiques
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