[OS X TeX] Re: Hide temporary files created by TeXShop

Markus S youcontrol at hispeed.ch
Tue Sep 18 06:52:20 EDT 2007

> The solution then is probably to reorganize your project: Make sure that
> chapters are in their own sub-directories, and don't use \include, use
> \input instead. This removes that ability to use \includeonly, but
> prevents the creation of an aux file for each included file, reducing
> clutter considerably.

Subfolders is sooo Windows. Really, I have noticed that I use much less 
subfolders than my Windows colleagues. Since Tiger, the search box in 
all Finder windows is my way of finding stuff quickly. That and sort by 
most recently modified. A folder structure makes is harder to modify 
code as your code depends on your folder structure and vice versa. 
Change one and you have to change the other.

> As for your bst file: put all bibliography related files in a separate
> folder ('bibliography'), and put a symbolic link to your bst file in
> ~/Library/texmf/bibtex/bst, and a link to your bib file(s) in
> ~/Library/texmf/bibtex/bib. You can now run bibtex on the aux files alone
> (where ever they are). Just remember to put the .bbl file in a location
> where TeX will find it (next to your main tex file will do fine.

Does this work if you use different .bib and .bst files for different 

> And no hiding of all files with certain extensions! That windows idea is
> the worst one out there.

I agree, Windows does some horrible things in that respect. But there 
are reasons why certain files are hidden (eg, .DS_Store).

> Related: you may be able to create a smart folder that contains all you
> would like to see, and not mess at all with your TeX workflow. The latter
> makes it a lot easier to set up.

I had used this in other coding environments, usually typing .tex (or 
.bib or .eps or .pdf) in the Finder search box is more flexible (or 
cmd-F, select Name and Ends With).

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