[OS X TeX] Automatic labeling for references

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Sat Apr 5 17:52:04 EDT 2008

On Apr 5, 2008, at 3:59 AM, Ross Moore wrote:
> Surely it is better to pass 2 arguments to  \mysection .
> Then use   \mysection{A novel approach to something old} 
> {sec:ANovelApproach}
> to expand to:
> \section{A novel approach to something old}\label{sec:ANovelApproach}

I tried to incorporate Fagin's solution in the above and with, in the  

	\renewcommand\theTitleReference[2]{\bfseries{#1}\ \emph{#2}}

and in the body

	\section{This And That} \lab{1}



typeset correctly to "4.7" and "4.7 This And That"

2) In the preamble I then tried to define mysection but everything I  
tried failed miserably.

Hopeful regards

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