[OS X TeX] New color theme in beamer
Jesse Blocher
jablocher at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 18:31:28 EDT 2008
Alan et al -
I think it was working - I made a mistake in the color tuple and since
I saw that error with the .sty file, I assumed that was the problem
(hence the "default" comment - I thought it just went to some backup
theme and ignoring my file).
So, now we come to what was my real problem: does anyone know a good
applet to help me translate my desired color into an rgb tuple? :)
On Apr 22, 2008, at 5:41 PM, Alan Munn wrote:
> At 4:22 PM -0400 4/22/08, Jesse Blocher wrote:
>> I'm trying to create my own color theme in Beamer using the Univ of
>> North Carolina colors (none of the defaults are that close).
>> I've used LaTeX a bit, but this is my first attempt customizing in
>> this way - I'm not sure I'm doing it right.
>> I took the "beaver" color theme beamercolorthemebeaver.sty and
>> edited it to create a new .sty file with the correct rgb color tuple.
>> But now I get this error:
>> (beamercolorthemetarheel.sty
>> LaTeX Warning: You have requested package `beamercolorthemetarheel',
>> but the package provides `beamercolorthemebeaver'.
>> Package: beamercolorthemebeaver 2007/01/28 (rcs-revision 1.2)
>> )
>> and it defaults to the default theme.
>> Do I need to "compile" the .sty file or otherwise "install" it or
>> something? I was treating it like a configuration file of sorts,
>> but obviously that's not the solution.
> This isn't the source of the problem. This is just a warning which
> says (basically) that you didn't change the \ProvidesPackageRCS
> lines in the files you changed. It is not an error, and can be
> ignored. (It's also easy to fix.) But my modified beamer themes all
> work, and throw up the same warning (since I forgot to change those
> lines.)
> Since you are getting the default theme (although I'm not sure I
> know what that means for you), there there's something else wrong
> with your document. Can you reduce your problem to a small single
> frame document and post it and the error log here? (Also put
> \listfiles as the first line of your document.)
> Alan
> --
> Alan Munn amunn at msu.edu
> Department of Linguistics and Germanic,
> Slavic, Asian and African Languages Fax. +1-517-432-2736
> Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48824 Tel.
> +1-517-355-7491
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