[OS X TeX] LyX or TeXShop?

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 15:34:37 EST 2008

On Dec 1, 2008, at 3:23 PM, Herbert Schulz wrote:

>>> On Dec 1, 2008, at 11:56 AM, Adam M. Goldstein wrote:
>>>> TeXShop is a text editor that provides a graphical interface to  
>>>> the user's installation of TeX/LateX and whatever other TeX  
>>>> derivatives he or she wants to use; has a companion viewer that  
>>>> must be updated by typesetting; and requires that all TeX/LaTeX  
>>>> etc. code be entered by the user. This means that someone can  
>>>> create any document his or her TeX/LaTeX skills can provide. LyX  
>>>> makes it easier for someone to create a document, provides nice  
>>>> TeX-ified output, but is less flexible.
>>> Howdy,
>>> I'd add that it
>> LyX?
>>> has facilities to help the user to add the commands. I.e., it is  
>>> not necessarily completely manual entry.
>> Regards
>> -schremmer
> Howdy,
> No, TeXShop. That was a comment on the statement that TeXShop  
> ``requires that all TeX/LaTeX etc. code be entered by the user.''

Ah! Command completion?

I have yet to learn that but I did make up an awfully big number of  
macros which I use an awful lot.

And, by the way, there is also the LaTeX panel.

Vive TeXShop!


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