[OS X TeX] Lost in Mac space

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat Dec 13 11:09:37 EST 2008

Am 13.12.2008 um 14:01 schrieb Friedrich Vosberg:

> Does unzip really not overwrite and delete entries in texmf, but  
> only copies the new item into the appropriate directories?

It *does* overwrite (that's one purpose of an installation) and it  
does *not* delete. The latter is not implemented. This kind of care  
is usually built into a pre-flight script or a package manager.

The contents of an archive file can be simply checked by double- 
clicking it, a copy or an alias of it in some secure corner of your  
disk. On the command line it's a bit easier to list the archive's  
contents ('unzip -l /path/to/the/file/archive.zip' for example). Some  
archive managers (Zipeg) or desktop/Finder extensions (Finder Pop?)  
allow(ed) to inspect the archive.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


People say that if you play Microsoft CD's backwards, you hear  
satanic things, but that's nothing, because if you play them  
forwards, they install MS Windows.

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