[OS X TeX] [pdftk] MacOS Roman -> Western ISO Latin 9
David Watson
dewatson at me.com
Sat Dec 13 22:30:49 EST 2008
On Dec 13, 2008, at 2:36 PM, Friedrich Vosberg wrote:
> Morning.
> I've changed the coding of my TeX source files to ISO Latin 9. But
> unfortunately now my TeXShop script using pdftk doesn't work
> anymore. And I have not a clue of an idea what may cause this fault.
> The console reports:
> request id is Kellerdrucker-3754 (1 file(s))
> /Users/fv/Library/TeXShop/Engines/fvprint2.engine: line 4: 1306
> Segmentation fault pdftk "${basefname}.pdf" background ~/
> Pictures/Watermarks/bgabschrift.pdf output printfile.pdf
> lp: Error - unable to access "printfile.pdf" - No such file or
> directory
> rm: printfile.pdf: No such file or directory
> The engine is:
> #!/bin/sh
> basefname="`basename "$1" .tex`"
> lp -o media=a4 "${basefname}.pdf"
> pdftk "${basefname}.pdf" background ~/Pictures/Watermarks/
> bgabschrift.pdf output printfile.pdf
> lp -o sides=two-sided-long-edge -o media=a4 printfile.pdf
> rm printfile.pdf
> Does somebody know, why the workarround failed.
I am a little bit confused by your script.
To understand what you are doing here I would surmise from line 2:
You are setting a variable basefname to contain the result of basename
"$1".tex, which is probably going to contain the argument to the
script, which in texshop is probably going to be the name of the input
So, this is going to give you the name of your input file, minus the
".tex" extension.
Now, you are using "lp" with the option to set the media to a4, which
is all well and good, but here is where you lose me:
you are trying to "lp" the file $(basefname).pdf
but at this point, nothing has been done to create the file $
You might want to do something like "pdflatex" or "pdfluaLaTeX" before
you do this, because otherwise, you are never going to generate a pdf
version as you seem to want to do.
Without the pdf file in hand, pdftk is just going to choke.
If you have successfully generated a pdf file at some point in history
with the basename of your ".tex" input, then your script will happily
run, although I think that is not what you intended.
> TIA and kind regards, Friedrich
> --
> »Der schlimmste Feind des Historikers ist der Zeitzeuge.«
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