[OS X TeX] [ANN] TeX Live Utility 0.2

Matthias Damm mad at nefkom.net
Tue Dec 30 05:52:47 EST 2008


I had a problem when I first tried it, but on my second try,  
everything worked fine.
On the first try, I got a lot of error messages about TeX Live Utility  
not being able to connect to the update servers. (I didn't save them.)

I recognized that I did not get any message from LittleSnitch(*)  
during the first try, while on the second one, LittleSnitch asked me  
to allow the acces to the several sites.
So maybe some problem between TLU and LS cound have caused TLU not to  
be able to access some remote data.

Thanks a lot for the tool -- this is really an important addition to  
TeX on the Mac and might remove one of the few disadvantages of TeX on  
the Mac compared to other platforms!

Best regards,

(*) I know that LittleSnitch is not a good tool to secure your  
computer, but I use it since it is very informative to know which  
applications try to connect to the internet.

Matthias Damm - mad at macpla.net
GPG key: http://macpla.net/MatthiasDamm.asc
GPG fingerprint: CED3 6074 7F7D 3148 C6F3  DFF2 05FF 3A0B 0D12 4D41
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