[OS X TeX] MacTeX installation
Richard Koch
koch at math.uoregon.edu
Thu Jan 24 14:13:53 EST 2008
On Jan 24, 2008, at 10:55 AM, David Airey wrote:
> I previously posted about linking up with BBEdit and found out that
> maybe my TeX installation is not quite right. However, I have
> checked my file locations against the page describing where
> everything should have been put:
> http://www.tug.org/mactex/whatgetsinstalledwhere.html
> and it seems that everything is fine. Yet Maarten found this was not
> the case. MacTeX installations says it does this after installing:
> "When the TeX Live install script finishes, it prints a message
> suggesting that users modify their PATH variable appropriately.
> MacTeX modifies both PATH and MAN entries automatically. This
> modification is done using scripts from Gerben Wierda and is
> consistent with his TeX distributions."
> Could this have gone wrong? How do I check that this was in fact
> done correctly?
> The reason I ask is because some R scripts also told me I don't have
> a working TeX installation or that my PATH is not set appropriately.
> So I'm wondering if Gerben Wierda's scripts failed?
> I'm using Leopard 10.5.1.
You can easily test this. Open Terminal in /Applications/Utilities. Type
echo $PATH
You will get a list of locations. If this list contains /usr/local/bin
and /usr/texbin, then PATH is set appropriately.
Since making the latest MacTeX packages, I discovered that the process
can indeed go wrong on Leopard. I'll fix the packages in the next few
days. Here are details:
Gerben's scripts modify /etc/profile and /etc/csh.login to add the
above locations to the PATH. But in Leopard a different mechanism is
used to globally modify PATH. Namely, these scripts now call /usr/
libexec/path_helper, which adds paths listed in the file /etc/paths
(this list contains /usr/local/bin) and then adds paths listed in
files in the directory /etc/paths.d. So on Leopard we don't modify /
etc/profile and /etc/csh.login; instead we add a file to /etc/paths.d
listing /usr/texbin.
However, it turns out that Leopard doesn't install the new /etc/
profile if the old /etc/profile has been modified. So our postinstall
script ought to call Gerben's scripts if /etc/profile is the old Tiger
Dick Koch
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