[OS X TeX] Preview Printing

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat Nov 1 14:42:32 EDT 2008

Am 01.11.2008 um 17:56 schrieb Ionita, Costel:

> Which printer are you using?
>    Canon IR5055 which is a TCP/IP printer

Networking or USB or FireWire or WLAN plays no role here. The  
question is whether this printer can print PostScript or PDF vectors  
natively or whether it only understands dumb pixels. If the latter is  
true, then some programme needs to convert PS or PDF vectors first  
into pixels that are then sent to the printer, for some while. And  
this raster process on the host, your Mac, can be very, very faulty.

> How did you install the printer?
>   I used the driver from canon UFRII v 1.80

There are two ways in case of PostScript printers: selecting a  
"driver," i.e., a faulty rasteriser, or selecting a PPD file that  
makes the installed printer a PostScript and PDF printer that does  
not need any rasterisation on the Mac.

> Which PPD file did you use?
>   I don't know what that is.

This is a PostScript Printer Description (by Adobe). It enables to  
print PostScript and PDF. Usually UNIX computer are evolved to use  
them. And you should choose to install a PostScript and PDF printer  
for TeX (and I would have preferred to learn whether you used dvips  
or pdfTeX directly or XeTeX from which distribution).



Claiming that the Macintosh is inferior to Windows because most  
people use Windows, is like saying that all other restaurants serve  
food that is inferior to McDonald's.

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